American Dragon Jake Long
Marnie Lockjelly
Bite Father Bite Son (11)
Character Statistics
Gender: Female
Age Group: 14
Date of Birth: September/October 1991
Hair and Eye Color: Brunette and black
Occupation: Student
Created By: Jeff Goode
Friends: Jake Long
Production Info
Portrayed by: Paige Moss
First Appearance: Bite Father, Bite Son
Last Appearance: Bite Father, Bite Son

Marnie Lockjelly[1][2] is the daughter of Mr. Lockjelly, Jonathan Long's boss.[3]


Jake meets her at a time when he is between both Rose and Danika, and they have a connection. She seemed interested in Jake, but nothing much develops.

Physical Appearance[]

She has freckles on her face and long brunette hair in a ponytail held with a purple rubberband. She wears an orange and yellow long sleeved shirt purple skirt, and brown shoes.

Episode Appearances[]


  • "Hi, Marnie Lockjelly"
  • "So, I'll see you there tonight?"
  • "Don't you think you've done enough father/son bonding for one day?"
  • "Hey Jake, you've missed my party tonight."
  • "I don't want an apology, just a rain check."


